During and beyond the multiple waves of the pandemic, we all have heard that the remote work environment is here to stay. Many of you now want to continue working from home even when the offices have reopened in most parts of the globe. On the other hand, many people prefer working from the office to maintain a productive vibe. Still, if there is anything we all want to know, it is about the future of remote work policies and how employees and employers think about it.
You might be surprised to know that the number of individuals working from home has increased by 159% since 2009 1. The best part is – there is more information regarding remote work statistics in 2022 to help you understand the overall situation better.
As we dive deeper into the work-from-home statistics, you will get the answers to some of the most common work-related questions, such as:
- Why do more people now choose to work remotely than from their offices?
- What type of work flexibilities do people prefer?
- What kind of changes have been introduced in the remote work environment?
- Does remote working truly boost productivity?
Top 20 Remote Working Statistics
1. The expected rate of growth of full-time remote work has almost doubled from 30% to 65% in the five-year span (2). This indicates a higher preference of employees to work from home which can be based on several personal and financial reasons.
2. 56% of hiring managers consider the paradigm shift to remote work to have gone beyond expectations in a positive way, while one in ten managers feel it to be worse than expected (3). As defined in these statistics, the shift to a remote work environment has received mixed reviews from the hiring teams.
3. For 25% of companies, the interest shown by the employees and the number of corresponding requests shared along with the restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic are some of the main reasons behind introducing remote work policies (4). Sooner, it became essential and a brand value proposition in the talent market.
4. In the ASPAC region, the main driver behind the shift to remote working is travel restrictions. This is not in line with the major drivers of remote work that are employee related. In the Americas and the EMA region, employee requests have led to this change (5).
5. Around 5-15% percent of US employees worked remotely before Covid-19 pandemic occurred. The number has drastically risen to 50% or more after the pandemic (6). The sudden impact has resulted in a long-lasting change that stayed for longer than expected.
6. Among the non-self-employed population, the proportion of regular work-at-home individuals has grown by 103% since 2005 (7). This work from home statistics indicates that employees find it easy to work efficiently when given remote work opportunities. Obviously, it requires the use of technology and access to features like chat rooms, screen sharing, and video chat.
7. 3.7 million employees which account for 2.8% of the total workforce are now working from home at least 50% of the time (8). Their jobs and job responsibilities are compatible with the partial remote work flexibility given to them as per this remote working statistic.
8. According to the Future of Jobs Report by the World Economic Forum (9), the future has already reached the threshold for a majority of the white-collar workforce. 84% of employers were all set to digitalize the way they work in 2020, including the expansion of remote work opportunities for their employees.
9. As per the KPMG survey (10), 38% of the participants consider tax and legal compliance as one of the biggest challenges for companies willing to implement remote work. This is quite obvious as there are tax and legal regulations to be considered within country borders. These include health and safety concerns, data protection, and IT security, along with income and corporate tax regulations.
10. As per Ireland’s National Survey report (11), 52% of the respondents indicated working for more hours remotely than in the case of an onsite work environment. 41% of them indicated that there is no difference in the number of work hours, while 7% of them confirmed that they work fewer hours.
11. In relation to the impact of remote work on employee productivity, 62% of individuals agreed that a remote work environment increases their productivity while 14% of them strongly disagreed with this notion (12).
12. In relation to the prevalence of remote work, 69.5% of individuals in Ireland preferred a home working environment, while 20.7% preferred to work remotely from multiple locations. Amidst the least common mode of work, there was working from a co-working space or hub and working while traveling (13).
13. In relation to relocating to another location due to remote working experience, the highest proportion of respondents living in the Dublin region reported they would consider relocation options (in comparison to other regions). This was followed by the respondents in the Mid-East region of Ireland (14).
14. When researching location preferences to work, 63% of individuals in Ireland would like to work from home. This number was followed by 25% of the workforce saying that they would like to work from a mix of onsite and home. 10% of them prefer working from a mix of hub and home while 2% like to work in a hub solely (15).
15. A survey on remote work statistics 2022 also revealed what has worked poorly with remote working. The most popular answer to this aspect shared by 36.2% of respondents was technological issues. The next response in line was higher distractions at home as confirmed by 32% of respondents (16).
16. As per the recent News release (17) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, individuals who were at their workplace worked 7.8 hours while those who worked from home did so for only 5.6 hours on average. To know more about workplace diversity click here .
17. The BLS news release (18) also revealed interesting work from home statistics related to employed women. It is found that employed women having a child under the age of six worked for an average of 4.5 hours per day or 31.5 hours per week. They worked for 34 minutes less per day in comparison to the employed women working in households having older children.
18. Among workers aged 25 or above, individuals having an advanced degree were more likely to work from home than those having lower educational attainment. In terms of remote working statistics, 67% of individuals having an advanced degree performed work at home on the days they worked in comparison to 19% of those having a high school diploma but no college (19).
19. Workers face a double-disruption scenario with automation paired with the pandemic. According to survey results (20), 43% of businesses indicate that they are planning to reduce their workforce due to the integration of technology at work. Similarly, 41% of them plan to expand collaboration with contractors for task-specialized work requirements.
20. While job creation slowed post-pandemic, the rate at which jobs were destroyed/lost was accelerated. Many employers now believe that redundant roles will decline by around 6.4% from 15.4% of the workforce by 2025. Correspondingly, emerging professions will grow to 13.5% of the total employee base by that year (21).
- https://globalworkplaceanalytics.com/global-workplace-analytics-in-the-news
- https://content-static.upwork.com/blog/uploads/sites/6/2020/05/26131624/Upwork_EconomistReport_FWR_052020.pdf
- https://content-static.upwork.com/blog/uploads/sites/6/2020/05/26131624/Upwork_EconomistReport_FWR_052020.pdf
- https://assets.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/bg/pdf/current-trends-in-remote-working.pdf
- https://assets.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/bg/pdf/current-trends-in-remote-working.pdf
- https://globaldataalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/10052020cbdtremotework.pdf
- https://www.brosix.com/files/docs/Working-Remotely-Statistics-and-Data.pdf
- https://www.brosix.com/files/docs/Working-Remotely-Statistics-and-Data.pdf
- https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Future_of_Jobs_2020.pdf
- https://assets.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/bg/pdf/current-trends-in-remote-working.pdf
- http://whitakerinstitute.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Remote-Working-National-Survey-Phase-II-Report-Oct-2020-Final.pdf
- http://whitakerinstitute.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Remote-Working-National-Survey-Phase-II-Report-Oct-2020-Final.pdf
- https://enterprise.gov.ie/en/publications/publication-files/remote-work-in-ireland.pdf
- http://whitakerinstitute.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Remote-Working-National-Survey-Phase-II-Report-Oct-2020-Final.pdf
- http://whitakerinstitute.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Remote-Working-National-Survey-Phase-II-Report-Oct-2020-Final.pdf
- https://content-static.upwork.com/blog/uploads/sites/6/2020/05/26131624/Upwork_EconomistReport_FWR_052020.pdf
- https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/atus.pdf
- https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/atus.pdf
- https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/atus.pdf
- https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Future_of_Jobs_2020.pdf
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